Things To Know About Taking A Beginner White Water Rafting Tour

If you think white water rafting looks like fun, but you're leery about being in such rough waters, look for a beginner white water rafting tour. It's a good idea to go your first time with an experienced guide to make sure you stay in safe stretches of water and that you don't have any problems during your adventure. Here are things to know about beginner white water rafting.

Stay In Calm Waters To Start

A beginner white water rafting tour will stay on smooth water areas of the river. The lowest river classification usually has very mild waves without any obstructions you need to maneuver around. This can be a fun outing for kids and seniors too. If you find smooth waters to be too mild, you can work your way up the degree of difficulty as you gain skills controlling your raft.

The top classification is for experts only. These waters can be extremely dangerous if you're not a good swimmer since there's a good chance you'll be knocked off of your raft and thrown into fast-churning water. Always choose a tour that's within your ability to handle.

Learn Swimming Techniques

Your guide may teach you how to swim in a river with white water currents. It's helpful to know how to swim whether you're in violent or calm waters since you may fall out or decide to jump in the water for a swim.

Standing in the river may not be advised. You may be instructed to move immediately to the shore or point your body downstream and go with the flow until you can meet up with your raft or guide.

Learn How To Use The Paddle

When you take a beginner white water rafting trip, the guide will probably teach you important things to know such as swimming techniques and how to use your paddle. Knowing how to hold and use the paddle is important so you can control your raft and also so you can control your paddle and keep it from hitting you in your face.

Prepare For A Day On The Water

Don't forget things you'll need to stay comfortable during your white water adventure. Wear sunscreen and bring along water. You can put small belongings in plastic bags to keep them dry. You should wear sturdy shoes and you might want a change of clothing.

Find out when you book your trip what kind of clothing to wear. If the water comes from snowmelt, it could be very cold and you'll want to dress appropriately. Also, you'll probably be provided with a life vest and maybe a helmet for safety. Be sure to follow all instructions from your guide so you stay safe on the water. Look into beginner white water rafting near you.
